What's the Difference between Heart of Darkness the Book and Apocalypse Now the Movie?


Heart of Darkness

Released: 1908
Author: Joseph Conrad

Apocalypse Now

Released: 1979
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
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In the Book In the Movie
Charlie Marlow
Captain Benjamin L. Willard
Portrayed by: Martin Sheen
Colonel Walter E. Kurtz
Portrayed by: Marlon Brando
Apocalypse Now Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The story ends with Marlow travelling to Europe to find Kurtz' fiance to lie and tell her about his final words being her name. An airstrike goes off destroying the village as Willard and Lance leave on the boat.
   Kurtz is ill and is taken onto Marlow's boat where he dies. Willard sneaks into Kurtz' hut and attacks him with a Machete. He dies from the wounds.
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