What's the Difference between Heart of Darkness the Book and Apocalypse Now the Movie?


Heart of Darkness

Released: 1908
Author: Joseph Conrad

Apocalypse Now

Released: 1979
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
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In the Book In the Movie
Charlie Marlow
Captain Benjamin L. Willard
Portrayed by: Martin Sheen
Colonel Walter E. Kurtz
Portrayed by: Marlon Brando
Apocalypse Now Book vs Movie
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In the Book In the Movie
   The story begins with Marlow recounting an adventure he had. The story is told in real time.
   Marlow was a captain of a river steamboat in Africa. Captain Willard is a special forces vet in Vietnam.
   The story takes place in the Congo. The setting is the Vietnam war and a trip to Cambodia.
   The journey down the river takes place in a steam boat. The soldiers use a Navy Patrol boat.
   Kurtz works for a Belgian Trading Company. Kurtz is a rogue US special forces Colonel.
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