What's the Difference between Under the Skin the Book and Under the Skin the Movie?

Science Fiction

Under the Skin

Released: 2000
Author: Michel Faber

Under the Skin

Released: 2013
Director: Jonathon Glazer
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In the Book In the Movie
the Girl
Portrayed by: Scarlett Johansson
Amlis Vess
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
the Biker
Portrayed by: Jeremy McWilliams
This Character does not appear.
The Woodsman
Portrayed by: Dave Acton
Under the Skin Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The only thing Isserley ever took pity on was a dog belonging to one of her victims. She returned to the victim's van to release the dog. The girl lures a disfigured man into her van and allows him to touch her. After luring him to her place, she takes pity on him and lets him go. The man is rounded up by the motorcycle driver.
   Isserley tries and fails to capture a large man who overpowers her and then tries unsuccessfully to rape her. She kills him and leaves his body at the scene. The girl meets a man on the bus who later takes her to bed willingly. He is unable to penetrate her; she pushes him off after several attempts.
   Isserley doesn't need nor does she wear a bra. The girl wears a bra.
   Isserley is the first female the Vess corporation surgically modified to lure/capture men for food. The biker carries a dead female to a place where the Girl strips the clothes off of the corpse and dons them.
   Isserley captures one last victim but gets into an accident. She presses a button in her car to blow it up to remove any evidence of her alien nature. The girl takes shelter at a cabin in the woods. She is awakened by a man who tries to rape her and then tears her skin as she flees. The girl removes the skin from her body revealing her true dark featureless (but humanoid) form. The rapist douses her body in gasoline and she is reduced to ashes.
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