What's the Difference between Life of Pi the Book and Life of Pi the Movie?


Life of Pi

Released: 2001
Author: Yann Martel

Life of Pi

Released: 2012
Director: Ang Lee
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In the Book In the Movie
Pi Patel
Pi Patel
Portrayed by: Suraj Sharma
Older Pi
Older Pi
Portrayed by: Irfran Khan
This Character does not appear.
Portrayed by: Shravanthi Sainath
Life of Pi Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   There is a whale under the boat. Pi notices it. Pi is looking into the glowing water and a whale jumps over the boat and its tail lands on the boat and sends everything into the water. Pi loses all his supplies.
   The life boat has twelve solar stills that he uses to get fresh water. He only has one.
   Pi kills and eats many turtles. He never eats any turtles.
   On several occasions the boat is filled with flying fish. There is only one scene of flying fish.
   A dorado jumps into the boat after the flying fish and when Richard Parker tries to go for it, Pi stares him down silently. Pi screams and jabs the jig at Richard Parker to keep him from getting the fish.
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