What's the Difference between Life of Pi the Book and Life of Pi the Movie?


Life of Pi

Released: 2001
Author: Yann Martel

Life of Pi

Released: 2012
Director: Ang Lee
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In the Book In the Movie
Pi Patel
Pi Patel
Portrayed by: Suraj Sharma
Older Pi
Older Pi
Portrayed by: Irfran Khan
This Character does not appear.
Portrayed by: Shravanthi Sainath
Life of Pi Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   This doesn't happen. Pi takes music lessons and goes to play the drum at a dance class. There he sees Aninda who he later follows. She becomes his girlfriend.
   Pi is on vacation and sees a Christian church and decides to go in. Ravi tells Pi he will give him two rupiahs if he goes into the Church and drinks the holy water.
   Pi has a teacher named Satish Kumar who comes to the Zoo. He tells Pi that he doesn't believe in religion and that religion is darkness. Pi's father says this to him.
   Pi's teacher, Mr. Kumar had polio when he was a child. He said it was western medicine that saved him. Where was God? He wasn't there to save him. Pi's father had polio and says this to him.
   The writer meets Pi's family before he hears about Pi's time on the boat with Richard Parker. After Pi has finished his entire story, the writer meets his wife and children.
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