What's the Difference between We Can Remember It for You Wholesale the Book and Total Recall the Movie?

Science Fiction

We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

Released: 1966
Author: Philip K. Dick

Total Recall

Released: 1990
Director: Paul Verhoeven
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In the Book In the Movie
Doug Quail
Doug Quaid
Portrayed by: Arnold Schwartzeneger
Portrayed by: Sharon Stone
Interplan Agent
Portrayed by: Michael Ironside
This Character does not appear.
Vilos Cohaagen
Portrayed by: Ronny Cox
Total Recall Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The protagonist is named Douglas Quail His name is Doug Quaid
   Doug's wife is named Kristen. Her name is Lori.
   Doug works as a clerk at the West Coast immigration bureau. He operates a jack hammer at a construction site.
   At Rekall he is laying in a bed waiting for the memory to be implanted. He sits in a chair that has a large head piece that attaches to either side of his head.
   The Receptionist at Rekall Inc. is bare chested. Her breasts are painted blue. She is clothed normally.
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