What's the Difference between The Stand the Book and The Stand the Movie?


The Stand

Released: 1978
Author: Stephen King

The Stand

Released: 2020
Director: Josh Boone and Benjamin Cavell
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In the Book In the Movie
Frannie Goldsmith
Frannie Goldsmith
Portrayed by: Odessa Young
Stu Redman
Stu Redman
Portrayed by: James Marsden
The Stand Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Nick is attacked by Ray Booth a second time. After nearly everyone is dead, Ray goes to the Sherrif's office and attacks Nick. He gouges out his right eye before Nick shoots him dead. Nick's eye is damaged in the first fight in the bar. After he is beaten he wakes up in the hospital and finds his attacker in another bed. He doesn't kill him, but leaves him to die from Captain Tripps.
   Larry sees Rita the first time and thinks she looks like 50, but later says she's more likely in her 60s. Heather Graham was 51 when she portrayed Rita and wasn't aged.
   Rita is very needy and scared of doing something Larry won't like, so she doesn't tell him her shoes are cutting into her feet until he notices them bleeding. They fight over this and separate. There is no issue with her shoes. They escape into the sewer and Rita is afraid of rats and they separate over that.
   A man offers Larry a million dollars for Rita. Larry points his rifle at the guy and he leaves and they don't see him again. After the guy offers the money to Larry, he only has a handgun, and two other guys show up with guns and chase them. This forces them into the sewer.
   Larry goes through the pitch black Lincoln tunnel without Rita. She is quietly following him. They both lose it a bit, but eventually meet up and make it out of the other side of the tunnel. They don't go to the tunnel. They separate and Larry stays down in the sewer until he thinks he sees his dead mother. Then he goes back up to the street and Rita is there, and they join up again.
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