What's the Difference between The Lightning Theif the Book and The Lightning Theif the Movie?


The Lightning Theif

Released: 2006
Author: Rick Riordan

The Lightning Theif

Released: 2013
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In the Book In the Movie
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The Lightning Theif Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Ares was a major character. Ares wasn't a character.
   There is a metaphorical mist that shrouds the human world to make normal people blind to monsters and whatnot. There is no mist.
   Percy, Annabeth and Grover are all twelve years old. They are all sixteen played by actors in their early to mid twenties.
   Annabeth is a blond. Annabeth is a brunette.
   An amazing toilet scene. There is no toilet scene.
   Percy cannot wear the flying shoes because the sky is Zeus' territory and if Percy ever went into the air, then Zeus would kill him. Percy wears the shoes.
   In the very first chapter, Percy is on a field trip. In the beginning of the movie, Percy is in class.
   Percy has green eyes. Percy's eyes are blue.
   Mrs. Dodds is his Algebra teacher. The name of the first chapter in the book is "I accidentally vaporize my Pre-Algebra teacher". Mrs. Dodds is his English teacher.
   There was a saint louis arch scene. There was no arch scene, but instead a useless nashville scene.
   Hades was the most godly of the gods. Hades was a greek Mcjagger with a british accent.
   The Half-Bloods cannot use electronics because they can be easily tracked by monsters. They all use electronics.
   The lightning bolt is so powerful that even the gods were afraid to take it out of its case. So it stayed in its case even when stolen. Luke shoots it like a gun barehanded inflicting minimal damage.
   Annabeth is a prodigy and is dangerous because of her brain and her physical abilities at such a young age. Annabeth isn't very smart.
   The pearls are given to them by a sea nymph. The entire quest revolves around finding pearls that have revealed locations.
   Persephone is away with her mother Demeter. Persephone is home in the Underworld.
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