What's the Difference between Shutter Island the Book and Shutter Island the Movie?


Shutter Island

Released: 2003
Author: Dennis Lehane

Shutter Island

Released: 2010
Director: Martin Scorsese
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In the Book In the Movie
Teddy Daniels
Teddy Daniels
Portrayed by: Leonardo Dicaprio
Shutter Island Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   When Chuck talks to Teddy he relapses into his delusion and they send in the doctors to give Teddy the lobotomy. Teddy still relapses into his delusion but he asks Chuck if it's better to die a good man or live as a monster. Indicating that he hasn't relapsed, but can't live with the truth that he killed his wife.
   Teddy has a dream where he and Dolores are intimate while Rachel and Andrew are intimate at the same time in a difrerent room. Rachel switches places with Dolores who is now with Andrew, and Rachel with Teddy. This could be foreshadowing for Teddy Daniels and Dolores Chanal being anagrams for Andrew Laeddid and Rachel Solando. This scene does not happen.

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