What's the Difference between Psycho the Book and Psycho the Movie?



Released: 1959
Author: Robert Bloch


Released: 1960
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
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In the Book In the Movie
Norman Bates
Norman Bates
Portrayed by: Anthony Perkins
Mary Crane
Marion Crane
Portrayed by: Janet Leigh
Psycho Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   This doesn't happen. Marion and Sam have sex in a hotel before she steals the money.
   Lila Crane finds a book in Norman's room that is filled with pornographic illustrations. She looks a book but we don't see what is inside.
   There are many conversations between Norman and "Mother". Marion over hears Norman having a conversation with his mother.
   The murdered woman is named Mary Crane. Her name is Marion Crane.
   Sam is attracted to Mary's sister Lila and a romance begins. This doesn't happen.
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