What's the Difference between Misery the Book and Misery the Movie?



Released: 1987
Author: Stephen King


Released: 1990
Director: Rob Reiner
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In the Book In the Movie
Paul Sheldon
Paul Sheldon
Portrayed by: James Caan
Annie Wilkes
Annie Wilkes
Portrayed by: Kathy Bates
Misery Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Annie cuts off one of Paul's feet with an axe, and later a thumb. She breaks his feet with a sledgehammer.
   A state trooper shows up looking for Paul. Annie stabs him with a sharpened cross and runs over him with the lawnmower. It is the sheriff and Annie shoots him with a shotgun.
   Paul pretends to set fire to the novel, but it is really a stack of papers. He really sets fire to the novel.
   After Paul hits her with the typewriter, she gets him down and runs to find a weapon, but trips on the typewriter, causing her to crack her skull on the mantelpiece. Mortally wounded, she exits the house through a window and goes to the barn to get a chainsaw to kill Paul, but she finally succumbs to her head injury and dies in the barn. Paul trips Annie, causing her to land head-first on the typewriter. Annie lunges at him but he strikes her over the head with a small steel pig statue, killing her.

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