What's the Difference between Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Book and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Movie?


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Released: 2003
Author: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Released: 2007
Director: David Yates
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Umbridge explains that she sent the dementors to attack harry. Harry only knew that someone from the ministry sent dementors so attack.
   Percy Weasly sent back his christmas jumper to Mrs. Weasly and she is super sad. You hear nothing that she even sent the jumper.
   Sirius is cursed by Belatrix and stumbles back into the veil. She casts the killing curse which sends him flying through the veil.
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