What's the Difference between Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Book and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Movie?


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Released: 2003
Author: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Released: 2007
Director: David Yates
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In the Book In the Movie
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   After Harry and Cho kiss, Hermione gives a list of reasons why she might be crying including fear of getting kicked off the Quiddich team. She says Cho is worried about failing her O.W.L.S.
   Dumbeldore's Army is discovered when Cho's friend told Umbridge. Cho tells because she is on Veritaserum.
   Dobby tells Harry that Umbridge is coming. Nigel looks through a hole in the wall and sees them coming.
   Ron makes the Quidditch team. Quidditch isn't shown.
   The Centaurs attack Umbridge as well as Harry and Hermione. The only attack Umbridge.
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