What's the Difference between Forrest Gump the Book and Forrest Gump the Movie?


Forrest Gump

Released: 1986
Author: Winston Groom

Forrest Gump

Released: 1994
Director: Robert Zemeckis
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In the Book In the Movie
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This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
This Character does not appear.
Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
Portrayed by: Tom Hanks
Jenny Curran
Jenny Curran
Portrayed by: Robin Wright
ms gump
ms gump
This Character does not appear.
Portrayed by: Veryga
The Lorax
The Lorax
Portrayed by: Danny DeVito
Forrest Gump Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Forrest meets president Johnson Forrest meets president Kennedy
   Forrest meets the President as a military hero returned from Viet Nam Forrest meets the President because he's a college football 'all star' (an utterly stupid, banal, asinine change to the story)
   Forrest meets Bubba (white guy) on the college (University of Alabama) football team Forrest meets Bubba (black guy) in Army Basic Training
   Jenny was not a striper she becomes a striper
   Forrest has sex with Jenny on several different occasions and never impregnates her, although she does end up pregnant with her husband's child, who gets sent off to Forrest as a teenager when both she and her husband mysteriously die (at the start of the second book). Forrest has sex with Jenny just once, and as a result Jenny gives birth to Little Forrest, whom he first sees shortly before Jenny's impending death, and later raises by himself from about Kindergarten age.
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