What's the Difference between Eclipse the Book and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse the Movie?



Released: 2007
Author: Stephanie Meyer

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Released: 2010
Director: David Slade
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In the Book In the Movie
Portrayed by: Kristen Stewart
Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen
Portrayed by: Robert Pattinson
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Portrayed by: Taylor Lautner
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Jacob starts growing his hair and is shaggier than the other wolves because he believes that she liked him better with long hair. Jacob has the same hair style from New Moon.
   Rosalie was attacked by five men. She is attacked by four .
   The name of the newspaper is The Seattle Times. The name is the Washington Inquisitor.
   After Jacob confronts Edward in front of the high school before classes start, Principal Greene tells Jacob to leave, and he does so - alone. Bella gets on Jacob's motorcycle and leaves with him - much to his delight, and Edward's chagrin. Principal Greene is not there.
   Jasper teaches the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves to fight the newborn army at 3:00 a.m. Jasper teaches the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves to fight the newborn army during daylight.
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