What's the Difference between Eclipse the Book and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse the Movie?



Released: 2007
Author: Stephanie Meyer

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Released: 2010
Director: David Slade
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In the Book In the Movie
Portrayed by: Kristen Stewart
Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen
Portrayed by: Robert Pattinson
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Portrayed by: Taylor Lautner
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The first time you see Edward is when he comes to Bella's house to give her college applications. We see him in the meadow, and Bella is studying for her English essay.
   Edward realizes how his protection of Bella from the wolves is purely causing her pain and decides to tolerate them, remembering this happens when she is kidnapped and in his bed. He only tolerates their involvement after Riley visited Bella's house and they decide to work together until they find out what is going on.
   Bella calls Edward and tells him about Jacob kissing her. He arrives at her home after. Edward arrives at her home at the same time with Jacob and Bella. He already knows about the kissing.
   This does not happen. Edward makes a joke about Jacob because he doesn't have a shirt on. His remark is "Doesn't he own a shirt?"
   Billy and Jacob are also present at the Forks High graduation ceremony for Bella. Only Charlie who's seen there for Bella.
   Quil imprinted on Emily's two year old niece Claire. This is not mentioned at all.
   Jacob went to Bella's when Edward left, and he kept popping up in places scaring Bella while she was doing the dishes, and she kept dropping dish water everywhere. Jacob decided to make it up to her by rinsing and drying the dishes, and while he was doing that he asked her a question. So he wouldn't yell or scream he was squeezing his hand. He forgot he had a knife in his hand and cut himself, and Bella started getting dizzy from the smell of blood. Jacob explained to her that werewolves heal fast. This never happened.
   The council meeting between the Quileute tribe takes place at a mountain top. It takes place in Jacob's backyard.
   The name of the newspaper is The Seattle Times. The name is the Washington Inquisitor.
   Eric is the valedictorian of the class. It is Jessica.
   Bella expresses her extreme sorrow and guilt for having to reject Jacob. She later cries about her decision, with Edward comforting her. She tells Jacob her choice, and does not cry.
   Jasper and Maria do not have any type of romantic relationship, he only worships the ground she walks on. Jasper says that he thought they were in love, but he says that he later found out that Maria was only using him to get what she wanted; she pulled the strings and Jasper was Maria's puppet.
   Nettie's hair is blonde. Her hair is black.
   Edward gives Bella college applications for her to fill out. Doesn't happens.
   Edward used dried pine needles and a lighter to burn the remains of Victoria and Riley. Edward drops a lighter on her.
   Jacob Black is 7 feet tall. Jacob is only 5 foot 10.
   Edward tells Bella about the Leah, Sam, and Emily triangle. Jacob makes a brief comment about it. This is when Bella learns about imprinting and asked subtly if Jacob had imprinted on her to where Jacob comes back with "You'd know if I had."
   Peter and Charlotte are introduced when Jasper tells his story. They are not mentioned.
   Bella visits Jacob two days after the battle. She visits him right after Carlisle's surgery on him, on the same day of the battle.
   Edward taunts Victoria to stay and fight by saying that James used her for her ability. Edward taunts her by telling her she'll never get a chance like this again, then provoking her by referring to how he killed James. He said "You want her. You want me to feel the pain you felt, when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him to into ash. When I turned him into NOTHING," which is also very effective.
   Riley has blond hair. Riley's hair is brown.
   Bella gets accepted into the University of Alaska, and Charlie asks Edward what his plans are. Edward tells him he's been accepted into Harvard, Dartmouth and the University of Alaska. Charlie questions what Carlisle is happy for Edward to do, and Edward tells him he's happy with his choices. Bella then says she was accepted into the University of Alaska, and Edward and her exchange grins. Never happens.
   Bella needs a brace on her hand after punching Jacob. She is wearing the brace while Edward fights Victoria. She is wearing only a bandage and isn't wearing it when Edward is fighting Victoria.
   The wolf pack had to convince Jacob to turn back into a human when he was hurt by the newborn because Carlisle didn't know how to set the bones of a wolf. Jacob turned into a human again right away as if naturally.
   Edward tells Bella about Embry possibly being Jacob, Sam, or Quil's half-brother Edward doesn't say anything about Embry's parentage.
   Bella thinks back to the weekend she'd spent with Renée in Florida after her return from the trip. Her weekend is featured shortly with her mother in the garden of her new house.
   Jacob gets hurt and is taken to his house. When Edward tells Bella the news, she faints and wakes up near the Cullens. When Jacob gets hurt, Bella sees him lying on the field naked and shivering, and she gets goes to Jacob trying to comfort him.
   Jasper tells Bella his life story when they realize that someone is creating an army to destroy them. He tells Bella his story after their first training with the wolves.
   Riley is unknown to everyone. Charlie is looking into the case of Riley's disappearance. Edward reveals that he is local, later revealed to be, again by Edward, the only reason why Victoria needed him.
   Carlisle asks the Denali Coven to help fight the newborns, but apparently Irina had a relationship with Laurent, and is angry because the wolf pack killed him, so they won't help. They never asked anybody for help, and Irina and Laurent's relationship is never mentioned.
   Jacob tells Charlie that he kissed Bella in the living room. Charlie replies happily saying "Good for you". He says he kissed Bella in front of the house, just as Edward and Jacob are about to fight. Jacob's response is: "I kissed Bella, and she broke her hand, punching my face. Total misunderstanding." Charlie looks shocked.
   Jacob mentions how he will not be able to age until he gains enough control to stop phasing. This is not mentioned.
   Carlisle and Edward both go to check on Jacob after the encounter with the Volturi. Carlisle goes alone. However Bella is outside waiting to see him.
   Billy and old Quil talk about the Quileute legends with the spirit warriors and how they got the power to shape-shift into the wolf. Billy talks and he only speaks about the wolves and the story of the third wife.
   Edward and Bella are inside the tent when they mention their engagement and then Jacob, in his wolf form, over hears, then howls in pain, and takes off. Edward goes and brings him back so he can talk with Bella in the morning, and she is upset with herself. Edward and Bella are outside the tent when they talk about getting married and Jacob hears, in his human form, and Bella stops him before he leaves. She is angry at Edward for doing that after she made it clear that she didn't want Jacob to know until after the battle.
   Kim was at the bonfire. She was not.
   Jacob says Bella would be better off dead than being turned into a vampire. She gets on her motorcycle and leaves. It takes a while for her to forgive him. It is raining and this is when she is kidnapped and Edward starts to believe seeing Jacob is okay. ,Jacob, after making this statement, sees how it upsets Bella and apologizes quickly. Edward never accepts Bella being with Jacob.
   Edward is calm and only slightly glances at Jacob when Bella breaks her hand punching Jacob after kissing her. He is furious and threatens Jacob, and Charlie comes to calm them down.
   Jacob received a wedding invitation for Bella and Edward's wedding and ran away furious. Does not occur.
   Bella sees Jacob and leaves, she spends the whole night crying. She tells Edward he will never see her cry for Jacob again. She doesn't say that.
   Bella never spoke to Leah at all. Bella apologized to Leah about Harry's death at Emily's house. Leah just said "If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." And then walked away, later transforming into a wolf.
   Jacob wears a strap around his leg to carry his shorts. He also explains to Bella how it's easier to carry a single pair of shorts than an entire outfit. Jacob isn't seen wearing a strap and he never gives his explanation.
   Jacob starts growing his hair and is shaggier than the other wolves because he believes that she liked him better with long hair. Jacob has the same hair style from New Moon.
   Jared is said to have imprinted on Kim. Never mentioned.
   Quil Ateara Sr. helps Billy to tell the stories of the spirit warriors. Quil Sr. doesn't actually say anything.
   Rosalie talks to Bella about how she became a vampire in Edward's room at the slumber party. Also she mentions her friend Vera who had a baby named Henry and a loving husband, which she envied, and that the reason she saved Emmett was because he looked like Henry. She tells Bella how she became a vampire on the balcony outside the kitchen. She does not mention Vera, Henry,and her husband, or the reason she saved Emmett. Also, there is no slumber party.
   Edward beheaded and dismembered Victoria. Edward only beheaded her.
   Edward tells Bella that the Volturi are finally coming. She finds out from Alice, who is telling the rest of the Cullens that they have two minutes.
   Jacob comes to get Riley's scent and stays to ask Bella questions. Jacob's presence is featured right after he picked up Riley's scent.
   Bella told Alice that it was Victoria behind the newborn army before graduation. Alice tries to keep it from Edward and she secedes. Bella told Edward that it was Victoria after she woke up from a nightmare.
   Billy and he go fishing on Quil Sr.'s boat. Charlie's whereabouts during the battle isn't mentioned.
   quil imprints on a 2 year old
   After Jacob confronts Edward in front of the high school before classes start, Principal Greene tells Jacob to leave, and he does so - alone. Bella gets on Jacob's motorcycle and leaves with him - much to his delight, and Edward's chagrin. Principal Greene is not there.
   Bella doesn't get anything. Renée gives Bella a quilt made of their road trip T-shirts.
   Edward bribes Alice with a yellow Porsche for keeping Bella hostage. There is no mention of the bribe and Alice never keeps Bella hostage. But the Porsche is seen for a brief amount of time in Charlie's front yard.
   Edward lends Bella his phone to call when she wants him to pick her up. Bella owns a cell phone.
   Jasper tells his history with the rest of the family around. He brings it up to Bella at the Cullen house. Bella is the only other person there. This conversation takes place in the training field where the other Cullens and wolves were being trained.
   When Edward finds out that Jacob forcibly kissed on Bella, Edward threatens him in a low, calm voice. Edward threatens him by yelling and shouting at him in an uncontrolled voice.
   Charlie makes dinner for Bella and tells her during the dinner that she's no longer grounded. This happens when Bella comes home at 4:00 from being in the meadow with Edward.
   Victoria and Riley's remains were burned together. Riley's remains were dragged over a hill and never recovered and only Victoria's body was shown being burning. It is unknown what happened to Riley's remains.
   Jasper doesn't approve of Bree and growls at her when she screams. Jasper seems to be trying to protect Bree as he stands next to her at the mention of her presence in the movie.
   Ben Cheney and Angela Weber are a couple and Eric 's girlfriend is Katie Marshall . Ben and Katie don't exist and Angela is with Eric .
   Jasper teaches the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves to fight the newborn army at 3:00 a.m. Jasper teaches the Cullens and the Quileute werewolves to fight the newborn army during daylight.
   Jacob compares himself to the sun saying he can fight the clouds, but not an eclipse. He does not say this.
   Mike Newton starts to unsuccessfully style his hair like Edward 's. This is never shown.
   Bella wants Edward to hurt Jacob for kissing her and making her break her hand. Bella doesn't want either of them to fight over the kiss or her breaking her hand.
   Jasper does not attend school because he has graduated already, just like Rosalie and Emmett. Jasper is seen in the lunch room with Alice, Bella, Edward and their human friends.
   Bella tells Edward that the reason the werewolves are there is because the Cullens appear. Not mentioned.
   Jacob was apologizing to Bella and refered to himself as a jerk He calls himself an ass
   Jasper is bitten by newborns during the newborn battle and Alice calls him an overprotective fool. This was not shown.
   Rosalie was attacked by five men. She is attacked by four .
   Edward gives Bella a biker's jacket and helmet for her bike riding with Jacob. Bella never rides her bike.
   Edward, seeing through Seth's thoughts, sees Jacob getting hurt and then rushes to the clearing, and after finding out Jacob got hurt and that the Volturi are coming Bella faints on the way there. Edward and Bella are already at the clearing and see Jacob get hurt. Bella doesn't faint.
   Edward and Seth pile up all the pieces of Victoria and Riley (after tearing them to shreds) and then burn them together. Then Edward approaches Bella with caution thinking she is "afraid" of him. Edward just burns Victoria with his lighter after he destroys her. Nothing is seen about Seth and Riley in the scene of burning Victoria, and Edward never thinks that Bella is afraid of him.
   Edward has pretty much no trouble killing Victoria. Edward almost has his head torn off just before Bella cuts herself as a distraction.
   Victoria tried to run away but was caught and killed by Edward. She didn't run and continued to fight with Edward until he defeated her.
   Bella cuts herself with a rock that falls from the mountain above her, after Riley throws Seth against it. Bella scrambles for a rock on the ground and then cuts herself with it. Seth is never thrown against the mountain.
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