What's the Difference between Twilight the Book and Twilight the Movie?



Released: 2005
Author: Stephanie Meyer


Released: 2007
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In the Book In the Movie
Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen
Portrayed by: Robert Pattinson
Bella Swan
Bella Swan
Portrayed by: Kristen Stewart
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen
Portrayed by: Alice Cullen
Twilight Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Jasper has the ability to manipulate people's emotions. Edward never mentions what Jasper's abilities are when Bella asks if other people in his family can read minds he just mentions Alice's abilities.
   Bella only talks to her mom through her slow internet or the house phone. She has a cell phone.
   Alice Cullen is 4'10" The actress who plays her is 5'5"
   The character doesn't exist. Waylon Forge is at the diner. Victoria, Laurent and James kill him when he is fixing his boat.
   Bella doesn't wear a bracelet. Bella wears a St. Jude Protection bracelet.
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