What's the Difference between The Accidental Billionaires the Book and The Social Network the Movie?


The Accidental Billionaires

Released: 2009
Author: Ben Mezrich

The Social Network

Released: 2010
Director: David Fincher
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In the Book In the Movie
Mark Zuckberg
Mark Zuckberg
Portrayed by: Jesse Eisenberg
Eduardo Saverin
Eduardo Saverin
Portrayed by: Andrew Garfield
The Social Network Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Mark creates the full profile page for thefacebook.com. Mark creates it and then after he hears that Eduardo has been dumped, he adds Relationship status at the last second.
   The Winklevoss twins contact Mark via email and set up a meeting. They meet him in the dining hall at Kirkland. Divya is unable to attend the meeting. Marks leaves class and the twins are waiting outside for him. They introduce themselves and ask for a minute to discuss an idea. He agrees and they go to the Porcellian where they meet up with Divya and discuss their idea together.
   Mark is alone while creating facemash.com but he communicates with his friends via email. Mark's friends are all in the room with him watching and helping him with the website.
   Mark wears a suit when goes before the Ad board. He goes before 3 deans and 2 computer security people. He gets a form of probation. He is wearing a hoodie and jeans. The Ad Board has at least 15 people in the meeting with Mark. He tells Eduardo that he got 6 months of academic probation.
   Eduardo is at a party trying to gain access to the Phoenix club. He remembers an earlier party where Mark Zuckerberg attended but couldn't talk to anyone. Mark is obsessed with getting into the Phoenix club. He talks with Erica about it. We never see him at any party trying to punch in.
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