What's the Difference between The Amityville Horror the Book and The Amityville Horror the Movie?


The Amityville Horror

Released: 1977
Author: Jay Anson

The Amityville Horror

Released: 1979
Director: Stuart Rosenberg
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In the Book In the Movie
George Lutz
George Lutz
Portrayed by: James Brolin
Kathy Lutz
Kathy Lutz
Portrayed by: Margot Kidder
Father Mancuso
Father Delaney
Portrayed by: Rod Steiger
Missy Lutz
Amy Lutz
Portrayed by: Natasha Ryan
The Amityville Horror Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   This was invented for the movie and does not happen at all in the book. Amy's babysitter gets locked inside a closet and the lights go out, causing her to knock furiously on the door until her hands are bloody - only to discover later there's no lock on the door.
   One night, Kathy wakes up looking decades older than she really is. It takes hours for her appearance to return to normal. In the climax of the film, Kathy briefly appears very old, but it's completely out of context and she looks normal again in the next shot.
   At night, Kathy is attacked by an invisible force in bed, leaving red welts on her body, and levitates in midair. This does not happen in the movie.
   This was invented for the movie. Father Mancuso never went blind. Father Delaney holds a mass for the Lutzes praying for their protection, during which he suddenly goes blind.
   Green, gelatinous slime sometimes oozes from the walls. Blood leaks from the walls during the climax.
   The Lutzes discover a hidden red room in the basement while moving shelves, as the entrance was hidden behind one. The red room has no entrance; the Lutzes discover it by tearing down a wall in the basement.
   The Lutzes see red eyes peering at them through the living room window, and find cloven hoofprints in the snow leading to the window the next day. Kathy sees red eyes peering at her through Amy's window. There are no footprints as Amy's room is on the second floor and there was no snow.
   The hidden red room was very small, almost more like a closet. The hidden red room was rather large.
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