What's the Difference between Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the Book and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the Movie?


Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Released: 1886
Author: Robert Louis Stevenson

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Released: 1931
Director: Rouben Mamoulian
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In the Book In the Movie
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde
Mr. Gabriel John Utterson
This Character does not appear.
Dr. Hastie Lanyon
Dr. John Lanyon
Portrayed by: Holmes Herbert
Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde
Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde
Portrayed by: Fredric March
This Character does not appear.
Ivy Pearson
Portrayed by: Miriam Hopkins
This Character does not appear.
Muriel Carew
Portrayed by: Rose Hobart
Mr. Richard Enfield
This Character does not appear.
Sir Danvers Carew
Sir Danvers Carew
Portrayed by: Halliwell Hobbes
Portrayed by: Edgar Norton
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Book vs Movie
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In the Book In the Movie
   Story catalyst: Mr. Utterson taking a walk alongside his relative Mr. Enfield. On this walk, Mr. Enfeild recalls an encounter he had with a detestable man named Edward Hyde. Mr. Utterson is shocked to learn this man is associated with his friend, the well-respected Dr. Henry Jekyll. Story catalyst: Dr. Jekyll gives a lecture on his controversial theory; that one can separate the good and evil of man. He is condemned by his peers, but determines to prove them wrong.
   Mureil and Ivy do not exist; Jekyll has no love interests. Jekyll has a fiancée, Muriel Carew. He helps a bar singer, Ivy Pearson, and she becomes attracted to him.
   The formula was originally created in hope of relieving the burden of Jekyll's conscience. (He feels divided between acting on his darker urges and keeping his good public image.) Jekyll makes the formula so human beings can be rid of their evil nature and become wholly good; to benefit humanity.
   After Jekyll becomes Hyde for the first time, he delights in the youth and freedom of his sensations. He carefully plans a double life where he assumes the form of Hyde to indulge his depraved desires, and changes back into Jekyll to keep his respect and status. Hyde acts more as a separate identity with motives different from Jekyll. Jekyll is reluctant of Hyde at first, then soon regrets taking the formula entirely.
   Hyde's pleasures are vague and never described in detail; only told briefly during important plot points. Hyde's evil deeds are shown more explicitly, he seems most focused terrorizing and abusing Ivy Pearson.
   Jekyll's reputation and well-being are at stake after Hyde murders Sir Danvers; this is what motivates him to stop taking the formula. Jekyll vows to stop the experiment after he sees Ivy's suffering. Jekyll cannot allow Hyde to continue harming innocent people.
   Hyde turns into Jekyll in front of Dr. Lanyon, this causes Lanyon to die of shock. Lanyon survives.
   Utterson and Poole force their way into Jekyll's cabinet where Hyde has locked himself inside. Lanyon and a few police officers break into Jekyll's lab.
   Jekyll never feels remorse or guilt over Hyde's misdeeds (even after the murder); he sees them as Hyde's actions, not his. Jekyll takes responsibility for Hyde's actions.
   Told from Utterson's point of view as he spends most of the story trying to figure out Jekyll's connection to Hyde. Shown almost entirely through Jekyll's perspective; there is no mystery about Hyde's relationship with Jekyll (a plot twist in the original novella). Utterson is omitted and replaced by Dr. Lanyon.
   Jekyll had already created the formula and regularly became Hyde years before the events of the novella; revealed through a series of documents. Shows Jekyll's first time making the formula and becoming Hyde; linear narrative from start to finish.
   Sir Danvers Carew plays a very minor role with no spoken dialogue. Carew is the father of Jekyll's fiancée, Muriel, and a source of conflict in Jekyll's life.
   Jekyll is an older bachelor in his 50s. He is a much younger fiancé; mid/late 20s.
   Hyde commits suicide before he is captured. Hyde is shot by Lanyon.
   This does not happen. Hyde turns into Jekyll after he dies.
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