What's the Difference between Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption the Book and The Shawshank Redeption the Movie?


Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

Released: 1982
Author: Stephen King

The Shawshank Redeption

Released: 1994
Director: Frank Darabont
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In the Book In the Movie
Andy Dufresne
Andy Dufresne
Portrayed by: Tim Robbins
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding
Portrayed by: Morgan Freeman
Portrayed by: Gil Bellows
The Shawshank Redeption Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Andy gives Red cuff-links for his parole rejection present. He gives him a harmonica.
   Red gets out of prison and finds Andy's note to meet him in Mexico. Red gets on a Bus and the story ends before he finds him. Red and Andy meet on the beach in Mexico.
   Boggs is mentioned once and is transferred out of Shawshank. Several "Sisters" take turns going after Andy. He torrments Andy for a long time. Boggs plays the part of all the Sisters. After Andy helps the Guards with their taxes, Boggs is nearly beaten to death and is transferred out to a medical prison.
   The Warden rips down the poster, revealing the hole in the wall. He throws a rock in frustration and realizes it went through. He then tears it open and finds the hole.
   The Warden resigns after Andy's escape. The Warden shoots himself in the head in his office after his corruption is discovered because of Andy.
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