What's the Difference between Pirates of The Caribbean the Book and Pirates of The Caribbean the Movie?

Action Adventure

Pirates of The Caribbean

Released: 1918
Author: Donald Degan

Pirates of The Caribbean

Released: 2003
Director: Gore Verbinski
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In the Book In the Movie
Jack Sparroq
Jack Sparroq
Portrayed by: Johnny Depp
Will Turney
Will Turney
Portrayed by: Orlando Bloom
Elizabeth Swinn
Elizabeth Swinn
Portrayed by: Keira Knightly
Victor Barbossa
Hector Barbossa
Portrayed by: Geoffery Rush
Joshamee Gibbs
Joshamee Gibbs
Portrayed by: Kevin McNally
Peter Pintel
Portrayed by: Lee Arenberg
Roger Ragetti
Portrayed by: Mackenzie Cook
Davy Jones
Davy Jones
Portrayed by: Bill Nighy
Bootstrap Bill
Bootstrap Bill
Portrayed by: Stellan Skarsgard
Mr Cutler Beckett
Lord Cutler Beckett
Portrayed by: Tom Hollander
Pirates of The Caribbean Book vs Movie
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In the Book In the Movie
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