What's the Difference between Lord of the Flies the Book and Lord of the Flies the Movie?


Lord of the Flies

Released: 1954
Author: William Golding

Lord of the Flies

Released: 1990
Director: Harry Hook
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In the Book In the Movie
Portrayed by: Balthazar Getty
Portrayed by: Chris Furrh
Portrayed by: Danuel Pipoly
sam and eric
sam and eric
sambo jones
sambo jones
Portrayed by: hugh mungus
Morgan Freeman
Samuel L. Jackson
Portrayed by: Tony Abbot
Lord of the Flies Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The boys are British Are American
   Ralph finds the conch and fishes it out with a stick Piggy goes into the shallow water and picks the conch up
   The boys are being evacuated during wartime. They are the only survivors. Several of the boys are part of a choir. The boys are from a military academy and are returning home when their plane crashes.
   Jack has red hair and is the leader of the group of choir boys. He is blond and is a Cadet from the military school.
   Simon loses him mind and when he sees the severed Pig's head it talks to him and he sees it as the Lord of the Flies. Simon only stares at the head while the buzzing of the flies gets progressively louder.
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