What's the Difference between Hellblazer the Comic Book and Constantine the Movie?



Released: 1988
Publisher: DC Comics


Released: 2005
Director: Francis Lawrence
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In the Comic Book In the Movie
John Constantine
John Constantine
Portrayed by: Keanu Reeves
Constantine Comic Book vs Movie
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In the Comic Book In the Movie
   The action is based in London. It takes place in Los Angeles.
   Constantine is from the United Kingdom. He is an American.
   Constantine has blond hair. He has black hair.
   Constantine screws up an exorcism and winds up losing a young girls soul. He winds up damned to hell for it. He commits suicide and is damned to hell for that.
   Constantine's family is gifted with magical powers. He is more like a psychic.
   Constantine tricks the devil into curing his cancer. Lucifer cures him because when offered the chance to save himself, he instead asked that his Isabel be allowed to enter heaven.
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