What's the Difference between Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the Book and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the Movie?


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Released: 2005
Author: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Released: 2009
Director: David Yates
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In the Book In the Movie
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Portrayed by: Daniel Radcliffe
This Character does not appear.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   This did not happen in the slightest. The Death Eaters attack the Weasley home over the Christmas break, destroying the home in the process.
   The Minister Of Magic talks to the Prime Minister when he comes into office This doesn’t happen
   Harry goes in alone. Ginny and Harry go into the Room of Requirement to dispose of the Potions book.
   Narcissa Malfoy asks Snape to swear the Unbreakable vow. Snape agrees to it instantlly. Narcissa doesn't suggest it, Belatrix does. Snape waffles a bit before agreeing to it.
   Malfoy goes to Borgin and Burkes alone. He goes with his mother and several death eaters.
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