What's the Difference between Fight Club the Book and Fight Club the Movie?


Fight Club

Released: 1996
Author: Chuck Palahniuk

Fight Club

Released: 1999
Director: David Fincher
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In the Book In the Movie
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
Portrayed by: Brad Pitt
The Narrator
The Narrator
Portrayed by: Edward Norton
Marla Singer
Marla Singer
Portrayed by: Helena Bonham Carter
Robert Paulson
Robert Paulson
Portrayed by: Meatloaf Adai
Portrayed by: Rachel Singer
Angel face
Angel face
Portrayed by: Jared Leto
Fight Club Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The narrator shoots himself in the mouth in front of the support group and Marla. He does it in the building alone with Tyler. Marla shows up moments later.
   The narrator tells Marla about his split personality and asks for her help in dealing with it. He puts Marla on a bus to get her away from danger.
   During a fight the narrator's cheek is torn and a hole is visible for the rest of the story. This doesn't happen.
   While Tyler and the Narrator wait for the buildings to explode, members of Project Mayhem are pushing filing cabinets out of the windows of the Parker Morris building. They tumble to the street. They wait together, but no members of project mayhem push the filing cabinets out of the windows.
   When Tyler asks the narrator to hit him the first time he hits him in the neck. He hits him in the ear.
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