What's the Difference between Carrie the Book and Carrie the Movie?



Released: 1974
Author: Stephen King


Released: 1976
Director: Brian DePalma
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Carrie Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   In the novel, Carrie and Tommy don't dance. In the movie, Carrie and Tommy share a dance.
   In the novel, the name of the school is Ewen Consolidated High School. In the movie, the name of the high school is Bates High School (as a nod to Norman Bates from Psycho).
   In the novel, Carrie not only kills the people at the prom and her mother, but also half the town as well. In the movie, only the people at the prom and Carrie's mother are killed. (This was said to be less expensive to film.)

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