What's the Difference between Carrie the Book and Carrie the Movie?



Released: 1974
Author: Stephen King


Released: 2013
Director: Kimberly Peirce
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In the Book In the Movie
Carrie White
Carrie White
Portrayed by: Chloe Grace Moretz
Margaret White
Margaret White
Portrayed by: Julianne Moore
Sue Snell
Sue Snell
Portrayed by: Gabriella Wilde
Tommy Ross
Tommy Ross
Portrayed by: Ansel Elghort
Chris Hargenson
Chris Hargenson
Portrayed by: Portia Doubleday
Ms. Desjardin
Ms. Desjardin
Carrie Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Carrie has powers when she is a little girl. She only has them when she is a teenager.
   Carrie can put thoughts into people's heads. She cannot.
   Carrie can't fly. Carrie uses her powers to make her fly out of danger.
   Chris tells Billy to get the pig's blood. Billy surprises Chris by taking her to the farm where she kills the pig and collects it's blood.
   Sue is unable to get to the gym before Carrie sets everything on fire. She gets to the gym before the blood is spilled but is kicked out by the gym teacher before she can warn Carrie.
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