Hidden Figures Differences
Page # 6

In the Book

In the Movie

This does not happen in the book.
Dorothy Vaughan is chastised by a white woman for being in the white's section of the library. She is escorted out by a police officer, but not before stealing a book on Fortran programming.
No details on this in the book.
Dorothy is show examining the IBM mainframe and at one time making an adjustment to it.
In 1956 Mary Jackson was granted a dispensation to attend night classes at Hampton High School. She became an engineer at NASA in 1958.
Mary Jackson is shown in court in 1961 privately addressing a judge at her hearing. She convinces him that it would be beneficial to him if he was the first to allow a black woman attend classes at a white school. He allows her to attend night classes.
The West Area Computers Unit (black women) was dissolved on 5 May 1958. The women were sent to work directly with the engineers or found other jobs.
It was shown as still in operation in 1962.
Soon after NASA was created by the Space Act of 1958 Katherine started gently asking why she was excluded from the editorial meetings with the engineers and other supervisors. They eventually let her attend the meetings.
Katherine is very direct when demanding that the boss allow her to attend the meetings.
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