Hidden Figures Differences
Page # 2

In the Book

In the Movie

About 50 black women worked as computors, mathematicians, engineers or scientists from 1943-1980.
The only black NASA employees shown are the female computors.
FDR signed EO 8802 to desegregate the defense industry and EO 9346, the Fair Employment Practices Committee.
Nothing about FDR's Executive Orders.
Melvin Butler hires the first black computors to work at Langley in 1943. He segregates them to comply with Virginia law and custom.
Nothing shown about the initial hirings. Melvin Butler does not appear.
The back of the cafeteria was segregated; a small sign on some of the back tables said "colored computors". Miriam Mann had a habit of repeatedly stealing the sign as it offended her.
The Cafeteria is not shown; the main issue is with the segregated restrooms. Miriam Mann does not appear in the movie.
In 1944 Dorothy Vanghan moved her children to her apartment in Langley VA.
Very little on Dorothy Vaughan's personal life.
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