What's the Difference between The Reader the Book and The Reader the Movie?


The Reader

Released: 1995
Author: Bernhard Schlink

The Reader

Released: 2008
Director: Stephen Daldry
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In the Book In the Movie
Hanna Schmitz
Hanna Schmitz
Portrayed by: Kate Winslet
Michael Berg
Michael Berg
Portrayed by: David Cross
Michael Berg (grown-up)
Michael Berg (grown-up)
Portrayed by: Ralph Fiennes
The Reader Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   we find out she had the promotion when Michael does - her boss tells him when he goes looking for her. Even before the birthday scene we see Hanna getting a promotion, but she does not look very happy.
   This did not happen. Awkward scenes meeting his grown daughter in the present day.
   The seminar seems to have several students. There is no dialogue but an explanation that they debate the legality and morality of the camp workers. Also it is explained that Michael's generation blames their parents. There are only five students. One girl seems to take an interest in Michael. They are shown in his dorm, where she seems to be making the moves on him
   They drive to the trial. Michael says he feels nothing when he sees Hanna. They take the train to the trail, with the professor. On the way in there are protestors, they discuss on the way home. Michael seems upset, during the trial, on the way home, and in a scene in his dorm after.
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