What's the Difference between The Perks of Being a Wallflower the Book and The Perks of Being a Wallflower the Movie?


The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Released: 1999
Author: Stephen Chbosky

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Released: 2012
Director: Stephen Chbosky
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In the Book In the Movie
Portrayed by: Logan Lerman
Portrayed by: Emma Watson
Mr. Anderson
Portrayed by: Paul Rudd
Portrayed by: Ezra Miller
The Perks of Being a Wallflower Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   The story is presented as letters written by Charlie. Charlie writes, but the story unfolds in a natural narrative.
   Charlie's sister is hit by her boyfriend and it is big event. This is downplayed.
   This isn't discussed. Patrick pulls a prank and paints all the tools in his shop class pink.
   When driving through the tunnel Sam stands in the back of the truck while "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac plays on the radio. The song is "Heroes" by David Bowie.
   Charlie has a grandfather who has racist tendencies. He isn't shown.
   Charlie's parent are not religious. The family is portrayed as being fiercely Catholic.
   Charlie gives Patrick a long poem he has written for Christmas. He gives him a book about Harvey Milk, a mixed tape with "asleep" on it twice, etc.
   "Charlie" is the narrator of the story's alias and we never find out the real name. Charlie is the main character. It is not an alias as far as we know.
   Bill, Charlie's english teacher gives him a B on a paper and then starts to give him books and gets him to do extra reports. Mr. Anderson asks the students a few questions on the first day, and sees that Charlie writes the correct answers on his paper, but refuses to answer. They become friends and he gives him books.
   Charlie's sister becomes pregnant and he takes her to get an abortion. This doesn't happen.
   [QUOTED] Charlie's sister becomes pregnant and he takes her to get an abortion. This doesn't happen. (Happens in a deleted scene that's on the DVD).
   Bob tells Charlie about Brad getting caught with Patrick and Brad getting beat by his father because of it. Patrick tells Charlie while they're at the golf course together telling stories.
   Bill is living with his girlfriend that Charlie meets at the end. Billy's girlfriend is replaced with his wife who Charlie never meets. The relationship between Bill and Charlie is also not as close.
   Charlie and Sam get naked and are about to have sex when Charlie is reminded of how his Aunt Helen touched him that way. He feels sick and eventually has a breakdown that lands him in the mental hospital. They are kissing and Sam touches Charlie's leg and he remembers his Aunt's touch. They don't get naked. He spends the night but goes home the next day and remembers everything. He calls his sister and tells her that he killed his Aunt. She calls the police and they go and get him and take him to the hospital.
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