What's the Difference between The Nanny Diaries the Book and The Nanny Diaries the Movie?

Romantic Comedy

The Nanny Diaries

Released: 2002
Author: Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

The Nanny Diaries

Released: 2007
Director: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
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In the Book In the Movie
Nanny Hutchinson
Annie Braddock
Portrayed by: Scarlett Johansson
The Nanny Diaries Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Nanny is currently a student. She is studying Child development. Annie has graduated in the field of Anthropology.
   Nanny held several nanny positions before working for the X family. It was her first job and she had no experience with children.
   Nanny is a part time worker. Annie is full time and lives with the X family in the servants quarters.
   Nanny's family is a part of the story. Her Grandmother, Mom and Dad are all featured. She has a single mother. No other family is mentioned.
   Ms. Chicago plays a large role in the story. She appears only once.
   Nanny and Grayer dress up as Teletubbies for Halloween. For the 4th of July they dress up as Betsy Ross and George Washington.
   Nanny tells Mrs X how she feels about her parenting skills on the nanny cam. She erases the tape before she can see it. Annie lets Mrs X see the tape and she changes her ways.
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