What's the Difference between The Black Stallion the Book and The Black Stallion the Movie?


The Black Stallion

Released: 1974
Author: Farley, Walter

The Black Stallion

Released: 1979
Director: Ballard, Carroll
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In the Book In the Movie
Uncle Ralph
This Character does not appear.
Sister of Alec's Mother
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The Black Stallion Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   When the Black runs away both Henry Dailey and Alec Ramsey chase the Black Stallion Only Alec is searching for the Black when he runs away
   Henry Dailey wants the Black to Race until the man running the race tells him he can't run with no papers except in the Match Race between Sun Raider and Cyclone Henry says Alec that Horse is a Desert Horse they wouldn't let him ride
   Alec Ramsey races in a blazing green jockey cap and shirt and cap. Alec races in a blue and black outfit
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