What's the Difference between The Black Stallion Returns the Book and The Black Stallion Returns the Movie?


The Black Stallion Returns

Released: 1978
Author: Farley, Walter

The Black Stallion Returns

Released: 1983
Director: Dalva, Robert
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The Black Stallion Returns Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Alec does'nt discover the Black was stolen until he goes to the Barn Alec chases the people who steal the horse
   Henry Dailey and Mr Volence go with Alec to try and retain the horse Alec is a castaway and goes by himself
   Raj does not fight with Alec about going back to his own people Raj tells Alec to go back to his own people
   Alec's Mother and Father give Alec permission to go to the Arabian town to find the Black Alec goes on his own free will
   Alec Ramsey does not have the kids disguise him as a citizen of the Arabian town The Kids disguise Alec as a Casablancan
   Alec does not make a trade with Kerr for a free ride in the country Alec trades his wooden Uzebyluss to Kerr if Kerr takes hi for a ride
   The people that steal the horse do not tie up Alec at the airport Alec is tied up until after The Black and the people who steal the horse get on a plane to Casablanca
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