What's the Difference between Sideways the Book and Sideways the Movie?



Released: 1999
Author: Pickett, Rex


Released: 2004
Director: Payne, Alexander
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In the Book In the Movie
Miles Raymond
Miles Raymond
Portrayed by: Paul Giamatti
Portrayed by: Virginia Madsen
Portrayed by: Sandra Oh
Jack Cole
Jack Cole
Portrayed by: Thomas Haden Church
Sideways Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Jack and Miles leave for a trip through California wine country, stopping Miles' mother's house to visit on her birthday. Miles steals $2000 from his mother's safe after needing to be reminded of her birth date used as the combination. Miles steals $1000 from his mother that she had stashed in a can in her dresser.
   Miles goes into great detail about the wines they sample on the trip. Much less about the wines.
   Miles drives a 4Runner. Miles drives a 1987 Saab Turbo Convertible.
   Jack and Miles meet Terra at a winery. Miles and Jack meet Stephanie at a winery. She and Jack flirt. Jack makes a date with Maya, Stephanie and Miles.
   Terra is a blond woman from the east coast and divorced. Stephanie is Korean-American, divorced and has a young daughter.
   Miles knew about his ex-wife being invited to the wedding prior to the road trip. Jack breaks the news to Miles that Victoria (Miles' ex-wife) got re-married. Miles is upset and chugs down an entire bottle of wine. Miles is in a bad mood for a significant part of the movie because of this. Jack is upset because Miles is moody.
   Miles and Jack meet a man named Brad who invites them to go wild boar hunting. Brad scares them in the woods by shooting at them. They beat up Brad then take his rifle and wallet. They promise to return them after he drives them around for wine tastings. This does not happen.
   Jack and Miles play golf for $600 a round. Jack loses when Miles enforces PGA rules for the bet. No bet. A group in back of them nearly hit them with a ball. Miles hits the ball back at them and Jack chases them away with his club.
   Jack gives Maya $1000 and asks her to sleep with Miles. She sleeps with Miles, but gives the money back saying she is not a whore. Miles and Maya sleep together, but Jack does not pay her.
   Miles purposely tells Maya that Jack is getting married soon. She is not upset, but says Terra will be disappointed. Miles accidentally mentions that Jack is getting married soon while out eating lunch with Maya. She gets very upset as Jack had told Stephanie that he loves her.
   Terra drives a car. Stephanie drives a motorcycle.
   Miles punches Jack and breaks his nose for paying Maya to sleep with him. Terra gains entry into Miles' and Jack's hotel room and threatens Jack with Brad's rifle. She fires a shot into the air. After they take away the rifle, Terra scratches Jack's face. Stephanie severely beats Jack with her motorcycle helmet after she finds out Jack is getting married. His nose is very badly broken.
   Jack has his nose broken by Miles, face scratched by Terra and breaks his ankle in the ocean. Jack's only injuries are his broken nose and a twisted ankle.
   Miles and Jack make a habit of drinking and driving throughout the trip. They only do this once.
   Throughout the book Jack's fiancee keeps calling to check up on him. This happens once.
   Jack runs Miles' 4Runner into a tree to to damage it then cracks the windshield with a wine bottle to provide an alibi for his injuries. Jack runs Miles' car into a tree to damage it, but this is not enough. He then runs the car through a fence and into a ditch.
   Jack is unable to dance at the wedding, so Miles has a dance with Jack's wife. She asks if Jack cheated on the trip; Miles denies this. She says if Jack cheated, it's okay as they would be even. Miles does not dance at the wedding; no indication that Jack's wife cheated on him.
   Miles sees his pregnant, re-married ex-wife at the wedding, but is not upset. Miles attends the wedding and sees his pregnant ex-wife and new husband. He is upset. He drinks his prized bottle of wine he had been saving for a special occasion at a fast food restaurant.
   Maya attends the reception and greets Miles. They are on good terms. After the wedding, Maya calls Miles to talk about his unpublished book. She invites him to her place. The film ends with Miles knocking on her door.
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