What's the Difference between Patriot Games the Book and Patriot Games the Movie?


Patriot Games

Released: 1987
Author: Clancy, Tom

Patriot Games

Released: 1992
Director: Noyce, Phillip
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Patriot Games Book vs Movie
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In the Book In the Movie
   Ryan saves the Prince and Princess of Wales, and their new baby, implied to be Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and Prince Harry. Ryan saves the fictional Lord Holmes and his wife.
   The terrorists are the Ulster Liberation Army, a splinter faction of the Provisional IRA. The terrorists are an unnamed faction of the Provisional IRA.
   Sean Miller's anger at Ryan for botching the assassination attempt largely prompts his revenge. He is angry at Ryan for killing his brother but also understands the risks they both took by joining the ULA. The revenge plot is also meant to be blamed on the PIRA and decrease support for that group. Sean Miller's anger at Ryan for killing his younger brother largely prompts his revenge.
   The story takes place before the events of the Hunt for Red October. The story takes place after the events of the Hunt for Red October
   The story takes place in 1987 during the Cold War. The story takes place in 1992 after the Cold War.
   Ryan had never worked for the CIA before; however, he had done consulting work for them while working at the MITRE corporation. Ryan had previously worked in the CIA as an analyst.
   While in the hospital, Ryan is visited by the visibly shaken and embarrassed Prince of Wales. Ryan admonishes him for wishing he had left the limousine to take out the terrorists. While in the hospital, Ryan is visited by Lord Holmes, who thanks him for his bravery.
   Ryan and Miller do not speak to each other at the trial. Miller threatens Ryan during the trial.
   Robby Jackson picks Ryan and his family up from the airport. The Ryans drive themselves home from the airport.
   Ryan's students at the Naval Academy present him the Order of the Purple Target. Robby Jackson presents Ryan with the Order of the Purple Target.
   The Irish terrorists work with black separatists in the US to attack Ryan. The Irish terrorists work alone.
   Dennis Cooley is invited to join the raid on Ryan's house. He is later killed in the attack. Dennis Cooley's pleas to join the raid on Ryan's house are rejected. Miller, deciding Cooley was no longer useful, kills him in cold blood.
   Jack Ryan Jr. is born at the end of the book. Jack and Cathy Ryan's baby is not yet born, and the gender is not revealed.
   Ryan, along with his family, friends, and the Royals, lead the terrorists by boat to the US Naval Academy, where the US soldiers and terrorists engage in a firefight. Ryan by himself leads the terrorists by boat into the ocean to draw them away from the Royals. He engages in a hand-to-hand fight with Miller.
   Sean Miller is taken alive and is arrested. Sean Miller is killed by Ryan.
   Dennis Cooley has an assistant who is unaware of his dealings with the ULA. Dennis Cooley has no assistant.
   The attack on Ryan's life at the Naval Academy never happens; the assailant is spotted by security and arrested before Ryan leaves work. Ryan is attacked as he is leaving the Naval Academy.
   Ryan hears about the attack on Sally and Cathy through a phone call in his office. Ryan frantically calls Cathy by car phone warning her to go to a police station. He sees after-effects of the attack from a distance.
   Ryan undergoes firearms training and Cathy periodically changes her daily routine to hinder terrorist reprisals. Neither change their daily activities in response to the threats on their lives.
   Paddy O'Neill leaves a file in Ryan's office containing information on the ULA. Paddy O'Neill hands Ryan a gift in the hospital containing information on Miller.
   Geoffroy Watkins, the mole in the British government who leaked information to Miller, commits suicide after watching on TV the foiled revenge plot. Geoffroy Watkins, the mole in the British government who leaked information to Miller, is exposed at the dinner party.
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