What's the Difference between Operation Mincemeat the Book and Operation Mincemeat the Movie?


Operation Mincemeat

Released: 2010
Author: Ben Mcintyre

Operation Mincemeat

Released: 2021
Director: John Madden
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In the Book In the Movie
Ewen Montagu
Ewen Montagu
Portrayed by: Colin Firth
Charles Cholmondeley
Charles Cholmondeley
Portrayed by: Matthew Macfadyen
Jose Antonio Rey Maria
This Character does not appear.
Jean Leslie
Jean Leslie
Portrayed by: Kelly Macdonald
Hester Leggett
Hester Leggett
Portrayed by: Penelope Wilton
Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
Portrayed by: Johnny Flynn
John Godfrey
John Godfrey
Portrayed by: Jason Isaacs
Bernard Spilsbury
This Character does not appear.
Bentley Purchase
Bentley Purchase
Portrayed by: Paul Ritter
This Character does not appear.
Portrayed by: Jonjo O'Neill
Commodore Edmund Rushbrooke
This Character does not appear.
Operation Mincemeat Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Jean Leslie is 19 years old and working for MI5. She supplied a photo of her at the beach taken by a man she dated. Jean Leslie is in her forties and widow. She supplies an old photo of herself at the beach.
   Admiral Godfrey has a habit of irritating his superiors and is replaced by Commodore Edmund Rushbrooke. Montogau and Cholmondeley miss Godfrey's advice, but now have an entirely free hand in the operation. Admiral Godfrey remains in command of the operation throughout the film.
   Glyndor Michael did not have any known surviving relatives in England. While Ian Fleming was aware of Operation Mincemeat, he was not actually involved as much as depicted in the film. The team talk to Glyndor Michael's sister after she finds out her brother died. She wants his body back, but Montagu says they are using him for a top secret mission. She threatens to call the police as she suspects they are abusing his corpse. Ian Fleming offers her money/bribe, she angrily refuses. She walks away upset.
   This does not happen in the book. Churchill complains to John Godfrey about details of the plan. Godfrey tells him that he does not endorse the plan and wants to kill it. But he also wants to keep Operation Mincemeat in operation for a while to expose Iver Montagu as a Russian spy.
   This does not happen in the book. While going over details of the canister that will be used to transport the corpse, Ian Fleming picks up and plays with a watch that is also a buzz-saw; James Bond - 007 crap.
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