What's the Difference between Into the Wild the Book and Into the Wild the Movie?


Into the Wild

Released: 1996
Author: Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild

Released: 2007
Director: Sean Penn
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In the Book In the Movie
Chris McCandless
Chris McCandless
Portrayed by: Emile Hersch
Jan Burres
Jan Burres
Portrayed by: Katherine Keener
Wayne Esterberg
Wayne Esterberg
Portrayed by: Vince Vaugn
Ron Franz
Ron Franz
Portrayed by: Hal Holbrook
Jim Gallien
Jim Gallien
Portrayed by: Jim Galliem
Into the Wild Book vs Movie
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In the Book In the Movie
   Paints Chris as more abrasive. Ranting against authority when confronted. He replies rather abrasively, for example to the need for a hunting license. Chris is pretty easy going. An added scene is when he wants to raft down the Colorado River, he finds a way, peacefully, to find his own way.
   These two did not exist. After rafting down the river he meets two Swedish people.
   Portrayed more darkly. Portrayed as a hero.
   Fantastic soundtrack by Eddie Vedder.
   The book details stories of others who have gone into the wild and never returned. Sticks to Chris's story.
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