What's the Difference between Coraline the Book and Coraline the Movie?



Released: 2002
Author: Neil Gaiman


Released: 2009
Director: Henry Selick
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In the Book In the Movie
Coraline Jones
Coraline Jones
Portrayed by: Dakota Fanning
This Character does not appear.
Wybie Lovat
Portrayed by: Robert Bailey, Jr.
This Character does not appear.
Wybie's Grandmother
Portrayed by: Carolyn Crawford
the ghost children
This Character does not appear.
Other mother
The Bedlam
Coraline Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Mr. B's last name is revealed to be Bobo. That name is Bobinski.
   Coraline is from England. She is American.
   This character doesn't exist. Wilbourne Lovat is a character that Coraline interacts with.
   Mr. B has rats. They are mice.
   Coraline faces off against her Grub like Other Father in a basement. She is in the garden where she goes against an enchanted pumpkin.
   Coraline has a dream where she has a picnic with the ghost children. They appear in the dream like a ghost, no picnic.
   The bedlam hand chases Coraline until she tricks it into attacking her while over a trap. It falls in. Coraline struggles with the hand and Wybie comes to save the day.
   The door to the Other world is a normal sized door. It is very small.
   The dogs at the theater talk. They don't.
   The cat has green eyes. They are blue.
   Coraline has to find her parents....she ends up finding them in a small snow globe, and that is how she tricks her "other mother." There is no snow globe containing her real parents.
   Haymitch, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's dog is attacked by the other mother's hand. The other mother's hand never attacks anything.
   no doll identical to her parents so the other mother can watch them. there's a doll similar to Coraline's where the Other Mother watches them and guides them to the door.
   The ghost children ask Coraline to help find their souls. They ask her to help find their eyes.
   Coraline has black hair. She has blue hair.
   The Other Mother is tall and has long fingers from the start. She changed into this form later.
   Coraline usually talks to herself. The director created her friend, Wilbourne,so she wouldn't talk to herself.
   This feature does not exist. There is a doll almost identical to Coraline which Wybie finds and gives to Coraline.
   blue raincoat yellow raincoat
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