What's the Difference between Bye Bye Birdie the Play and Bye Bye Birdie the Movie?


Bye Bye Birdie

Released: 1960

Bye Bye Birdie

Released: 1963
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In the Play In the Movie
Rose 'Rosie' Alvarez
Rose 'Rosie' DeLeon
Portrayed by: Janet Leigh
Albert Peterson
Albert Peterson
Portrayed by: Dick Van Dyke
Kim MacAfee
Kim MacAfee
Portrayed by: Ann Margret
Conrad Birdie
Conrad Birdie
Portrayed by: Jesse Pearson
Harry MacAfee
Harry MacAfee
Portrayed by: Paul Lynde
Doris MacAfee
Doris MacAfee
Portrayed by: Mary LaRoche
Mae Peterson
Mae Peterson
Portrayed by: Maureen Stapleton
Hugo Peabody
Hugo Peabody
Portrayed by: Bobby Rydell
Bye Bye Birdie Play vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Play In the Movie
   Albert is Conrad's manager He contributed Conrad's success and therefore Conrad "owes" him a favor
   Albert wants to be an English Teacher he wants to be a biochemist
   Albert sings 'Put On a Happy Face' to a sad little girl in the train station he sings it to a depressed Rosie
   Rosie sneaks Hugo backstage to punch Conrad Hugo punches Conrad to save Kim from the kiss

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