What's the Difference between Babe: The Gallant Pig the Book and Babe the Movie?


Babe: The Gallant Pig

Released: 1983
Author: Dick King-Smith


Released: 1995
Director: Chris Noonan
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Babe Book vs Movie
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This Spoils the Ending
In the Book In the Movie
   Farmer Hoggett wants to fatten Babe up for Christmas dinner. Babe is not Christmas dinner, and Arthur Hoggett wants to enter him in the next county fair as a big ham.
   Maa is injured and Babe befriends her in the barn. Maa isn't injured, and just helps Babe with the other sheep.
   Farmer Hoggett decides on a whim to ask Babe to round up the sheep. He sees Babe sorting the hens by color and decides to see if he can round up the sheep.
   Fly gets a secret password from the sheep so Babe can talk to the other sheep in the contest. Rex runs back to the farm during the trials to get the password from the sheep.
   Farmer Hoggett enters Fly in the sheep herding contest, but then swaps her out for Babe. Arthur enters Babe directly, under the name "Pig".
   Babe herds the sheep perfectly without any commands from the Farmer. Babe is unable to herd the sheep until Rex runs back to get the password.
   Fly is sad when her puppies are sold, and asks if Babe will be her son. Babe asks if Fly can be his Mom.
   Fly is the only Sheepdog. Fly has a mate named Rex who is the sheepdog that Babe suplants.
   This doesn't happen. Babe finds out from Duchess the cat that humans eat pigs and he goes into a funk and refuses to eat.
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